
Microforms Scanning Services

The scope of legally recognized microforms includes 16mm roll film, 35mm roll film, computer output microfiche (COM), jacketed fiche, and aperture cards.

Microfilm is stored on reels. COM microfiche are sheets of computer-generated images (typically 4” by 6” in size). Jacketed microfiche are created by inserting strips of cut microfilm into 4” by 6” plastic channel jackets to emulate computer generated microfiche. Aperture cards are cardstock, with a rectangular opening that contains a single microfilmed image. Hollerith aperture cards are punched with holes that, when read by a specific type of card scanner, create index information as the cards are scanned.

Info+ has the technology and experience to transfer all these filmed images to digital, with indexing, for fast access and effective records management. If you have explored the possibility of converting any type of microforms in the past, you will be pleasantly surprised at how affordable this process has become. And we guarantee we will offer the lowest price…let us quote your conversion project today.

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